7 Things to Look For in a Maker’s Row Factory Profile

Our goal is to help you find the perfect factory to work with. There are a lot of considerations to make even outside of price. That’s why we designed our factory profiles to include all the information you need to make an informed decision on which factories to reach out to. Here are the seven most important things you should look for in a Maker’s Row factory profile.

1. Capabilities

All factory profiles will feature these icons at the top of their profile and in detail in the menu. These are the six stages of the process. If a factory has the icon, then that means that they will be able to help you with that step of the process. This should be the first thing you look for in a Maker’s Row factory profile. Make sure that the factory has the capability to help you with the stage of product development that you are in. However, you have to make sure that you check out the detailed descriptions of what they can do for you at that stage of the process.

2. Visuals

Design and manufacturing are both very visual industries, that’s why looking for pictures or videos on a factory page are very important. This way, you can learn more about the owners and workers at a factory as well as viewing what their facilities look like.

4. “Get A Quote” Button and “Accepts Maker’s Row Payments” Badge

Did you know that you can transact with factories on Maker’s Row? You can request quotes from factories and pay them securely if they have either a “Get A Quote” button or an “Accepts Maker’s Row Payments” badge.

3. Reference Samples

View some of the work that the factory has done in the past. This will give you an idea of their style and capabilities. This can also help you find references from people they have worked with in the past.

5. The Blue Checkmark

Factories marked with a blue checkmark are Maker’s Row Preferred Factories. These factories have a proven track record of quality work and are specialists in their industry.

6. Reviews

Maker’s Row brands are able to leave reviews for factories they’ve worked with. While nothing beats reaching out to actually references, reading reviews on profiles can give you a great overarching look into what it’s like to work with a factory.

7. Response Rate

Lastly, a simple but important feature on factory profiles is the response rate. This percentage is the number of messages that the factory has responded to. For a brand, it’s great to know whether or not a factory will answer your message. This article outlines what information to include to get a response!

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Maker’s Row is home to over 10,000 American factories! Use our platform to start exploring your production options today.