7 Ideas to Refresh Your Business This Summer

Summer is here and it’s a great time to try something new for your business.  Whether you are looking to become a better entrepreneur, develop your team, or create loyal customers, these tips will help you get started:

1. Host a giveaway for your customers

Everyone loves free! Consider hosting a contest to giveaway one of your top-selling or newest product. This is a great opportunity to not only promote a key product, but also to invite your customers to be apart of your marketing.

2. Take your team on a retreat

Retreats are a perfect time to step away from business and technology to get back to the core: your people. If you can’t afford the time away consider alternatives to promote work-life balance by coordinating fun, team building activities.

3. Support a charity

Pick a cause that resonates with your team and invite your customers to join in as well. This is a great way to rally all people connected with your business around a campaign that generates awareness and funds.  Some ideas internally is to have a fundraiser, volunteer with your team, or sign up for a 5k.  You can invite your customers into the cause by launching a product and offering to donate 5% of the sale to the charity.

4. Recognition regularly

This is another strategy you can implement internally and externally. Recognize your top performers and outstanding team members regularly.  Whenever your team accomplishes a goal celebrate with your customers and let them know of the great things happening in your business.


5. Become an expert

With sales and company culture, it can be easy to forget about your own growth and development.   Focus on becoming an expert in an area or industry of your preference. Write articles for relevant newsletters and industry publications. Volunteer. Be an “expert” on panel discussions. Share your knowledge via blog or social media. Join a professional networking group.

6. Bring in specialists

A fresh perspective can help you uncover opportunities that you would not have seen normally. Consider inviting a partner, advisor, expert or colleague and let them advise and support you. This will be a great way to see your blind spots and make small changes that can yield a great impact.

7. Try a new social media channel or trend

Customer attention is constantly changing and social media is one of the best ways to track how.  This summer is sure to bring new trending #hashtags, new social media features and new technology.  Find out where your customers are online and try a new approach to engaging with them.  This will help position you in a space where you know what they are talking about and what’s important to them.

Here’s an example of how we are using Facebook’s new live feature to engage our audience.

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