Fantastic Parley Ocean Plastic™ | Soma Water X Parley Team Up To Help Keep The Planet Green

Green Manufacturing is the trend. Brands are doing all they can to reduce pollution and waste by recycling and reusing materials. The start of April signals the coming of Earth Day and “Green” initiatives are the focus for the month. People all over the world are coming up with creative ideas and innovative ways to help the keep the planet clean. People are drinking more and more water every year. They are using plastic water bottles that get tossed after each use. These bottles are filling landfills and oceans at the rate of over 30 million bottles per year. This is creating alarming waste in our oceans and harmful situations for marine life. In an effort to help combat plastic bottle waste, Soma Water X Parley teamed up to help keep the oceans clean and the water flowing. They designed the Soma X Parley for the Oceans Bottle and neoprene sleeve that is designed from Parley Ocean Plastic™.


Parley Ocean Plastic™ is a special material that is made from recycled plastic. The bottles for the material are sourced from areas where remote islands and coastal communities lie. Each sleeve is made from two upcycled bottles that are retrieved from these areas. The sleeve is used with the Soma x Parley for the Oceans BPA-free glass bottle that can be refilled with each use. The Soma glass water bottle holds 17oz. Of fluid and is made from 100% BPA-free, shatter resistant glass. The reusable bamboo cap is leak-proof and also made from renewable resources. This is an amazing idea to help reduce waste and encourage consumer to reuse and recycle. Tal Chitayat, CEO of FC Brands, wants to remind consumers that,“Every time you refill your Soma X Parley for the Oceans bottle, you are part of the solution to eliminate plastic waste.” The bottles will be available at select Starbucks locations for a limited edition run. Click here to find out how you can grab a bottle and help save the planet.

This is a really cool idea and it is making a dent in communities nationwide. If you have an idea you want to see come to life, visit Maker’s Row to find out how we can help make this happen.

Photo Credit: Soma x Parley