Top 10 Podcasts For Entrepreneurs And Creatives

Need to keep your ear to the ground, but not sure where to start? We’ve put together a list of ten inspiring podcasts to give you a creative push, deliver entrepreneurial insights, and hand you the building blocks of business. From interview series to documentary-style narratives to live storytelling, each podcast offers invaluable information to absorb on your morning commute.

1. Planet Money

Planet Money runs twice weekly and is part of NPR’s stable of interesting, groundbreaking podcasts. If you want the goods on all things economic, this is your first stop, and pushes past 101-level speak for seriously in-depth money discussions.

2. Startup Podcast

An alumnus of Planet Money (and This American Life, another NPR stalwart), Startup host Alex Blumberg documents his journey from having an idea to making it happen. Blumberg’s known for his affable demeanor and ability to turn deliver complex information in layman’s terms, and Startup sees him not just as a commentator, but as a participant.

3. The Moth

All podcasts are ultimately about storytelling, which gives The Moth a clear advantage. A live storytelling event founded by novelist George Dawes Green, the podcast pulls the best stories from slam-style events open to the public, as well as larger events that draw household name authors, actors and comedians. Creatives will pick up tips on discipline, structure and pace – while usually laughing out loud and grabbing for tissues at the same time.

4. Accidental Creative

If you’re still hankering for more after listening to Accidental Creative’s Todd Henry, you’re in luck – the team also runs workshops and speaking engagements for you to absorb more of their business savvy. With topics like ‘Questions That Will Keep You From Drifting’ and ‘Make Your Ideas Resonate With Others’, it’s all about focus, sharpening your ideas and being as effective and prolific as you can.

5. On The Grid

With the tagline ‘Thinking out loud about design weekly’, On The Grid’s the go-to podcast for designers who believe in practicality first. The team of Andy Mangold, Dan Auer, and Matt McInerney also have a Subreddit, so the discussion isn’t just one-sided – it’s also open to keen listeners who need an extra sounding board.  

6. Design Matters

Debbie Millman is the voice of Design Matters, which takes a decidedly more cultural angle than the other podcasts we’ve featured. The great thing about her website? You can filter by discipline, and there are many. You want to listen to a typographer? You got it. Or maybe it’s a product designer you’re looking for. You’ll find them, as well as art directors, digital strategists and trend forecasters.

7. After The Jump

You might know Grace Bonney best from Design*Sponge, her blog. While After The Jump doesn’t have the same opportunity to carve out a visual identity, but it’s got everything else: advice on starting a business, ensuring that inspiration doesn’t run dry, and how creatives can manage their work-and-play routines.

8. Dorm Room Tycoon

All about interviews, Dorm Room Tycoon was founded by William Channer, who’s hosted heavyweight creatives and entrepreneurs. He’s spoken to Malcolm Gladwell, Seth Godin and Swiss Miss, not to mention countless tech luminaries. This podcast is especially great if you’re looking to hit the ground running with your startup.

9. Off The Charts

For super-short, digestible business advice, Nathalie Lussier’s Off The Charts is all about business. Recent topics include ‘How To Go From Solopreneur to Business Owner With This Mindset Shift’ and ‘How Knowing Your Numbers Helps You Say No’. She’ll usually sit down to discuss with sparring partner equally experienced in the world of business, ready to tackle the big questions of entrepreneurship.

10. TED Radio Hour

If TED Talks aren’t clogging up your social feeds, you’re missing out. For the Radio Hour, TED speakers offer riffs on their chosen topics, and the show zooms in closely on innovation, problem-solving, and inspiration. Every show is built on a theme, so that each hour is thorough, detailed and equally tuned into creativity and invention.

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