#IAmAmericanMade: Factory Faces

Put a face to the hands making your products right here in America. We took a tour of Manhattan’s Garment District, seeing factories behind the scenes and meeting the people that are keeping American industry alive and kicking.

“America treats me good. You can do a lot of things here.”

“We do everything here in America.”

“I work with 30 to 50 designers a month. I was actually a finance major in college. I graduated from Baruch College with a Bachelors. Crunching numbers was no fun; I realized it wasn’t for me. I was more into the hands-on work.”

“When I was back home I couldn’t get a job; I couldn’t get financing for my school. So when I came here, I got the finance to go to school.”

“Our market started in Manhattan and worked its way out – we’ve sold products around the world, but they’re always made here. So we think our craftsmanship is as good as anybody’s. We train all these people, we create the products, and we’re proud of the fact that we have been able to keep this going for so long.”

“My customer is everybody! We ship to Asia – Japan, Hong Kong – and Europe – Germany, France, Spain – and everybody loves ‘Made in New York’.”

Follow the rest of the #IAmAmericanMade story here. Plus, we’re launching an infographic about the American manufacturing community – keep your eyes peeled!

Produce your wares in American factories. Don’t know how to find them? We’ve got the hookups for more than 7,500 factories here. 


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Looking to connect with top brands?

Book a demo to see how Maker’s Row can help grow your factory’s business!