8 Ways to Reduce Apparel Production Errors Through Better Fabric Selection

The Fashion Industry has grown drastically over the years all around the globe The apparel production has been producing on huge scale and it keeps on increasing It is one of the toughest industries that goes through changes almost every hour. It includes lots of creativity, hard work and quick responses When the industry is so fast-paced,  it tends to make errors and that happens in apparel production too. Fabric mistakes in garment manufacturing can lead to huge financial losses and reputation damage. Staying constantly updated in apparel industry is a challenge in itself

Let’s look at how apparel production errors can be reduced through better fabric selection and tech pack management:

1. Understanding Fabric 

Fabric mistakes in garment manufacturing can be reduced if you first understand the fabric content. Every fabric has different properties For example, the fabric can be stretchable, might have shrinking quality or can be less or more durable. While you can check a fabric to see if its soft or hard and if its correct for your design, the weight also matters some fabric are light and suitable for summers, while others are hard and can be used for winter season.

2. Quality Control Of Fabric Material

Apparel production quality issues can be solved if you buy fabric from known and reputed suppliers who have proved their quality in the market.  This brings assurance about fabrics quality, and even standards are maintained. Fabric mistakes in garment manufacturing can be avoided if producers can do sample testing and ask for fabric samples before buying the material in bulk and testing the fabric’s durability. Once the sample product produced is satisfactory, you can order in bulk for mass production Also, there should be regular inspections; this would reduce chances of rework.

fabric mistakes in garment manufacturing

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3. Considering Production Techniques and Design

Fabric mistakes in garment manufacturing are reduced if it is ensured that the fabric selected and ordered suits your apparel’s design, such as print or the garment structure make sure you choose the production technique according to your fabric If the fabrication is too delicate and goes through harsh process, it would lose its essence choose a fabric that can be easily sewed and can be handled; thus, fabric mistake in garment manufacturing gets reduced. Consider sustainable fabric that can be suitable and meet your ends; this will help in appealing to environmentally conscious buyers.

4. Finishing Process

The apparel finishing process should be handled carefully, and producers should be aware if the fabric is waterproof or is shrinkable because it can affect the final product. There should be details maintained about fabric properties, as it can be helpful for the future and can act as a reference if you encounter any issue, thus avoiding fabric mistakes in garment manufacturing. After apparel is produced, one should also retain customer feedback on fabric quality and preferences; this helps to plan in the future, thus tackling the apparel production quality issue.

fabric mistakes in garment manufacturing

Image credit : pinterest

5. Comprehensive Details in Tech Pack

Tech pack errors in fashion can be reduced if you maintain details like measurements of designs and detailed sketches its important to note down clear outline about the fabric type and its weight 3D models colorways construction details and even small details such as buttons and even hooks. tech pack is like a blue print for garment or item being produced. It can also have diagrams and graphs included to clarify doubts more effectively.

6. Guidelines About Assembling

Apparel factory production tips such as step-by-step instructions for assembling apparel, including types of thread to be used, stitching ways, measurements and sizes, the garment structure, the fabric to be used, etc.  All the quality control standards should be mentioned to guide teams and manufacturers about the standard rules of apparel and should make sure they are followed, thus solving tech pack errors in fashion.

fabric mistakes in garment manufacturing

Image link : pinterest

7. Reviews From Consumers and Production Team

Tech pack errors can be avoided if they gather feedback on fabric performance after production A system can be maintained and used for reviewing all prototypes and standards Also, producers should gather reviews from production team, design team and even quality team. Consumer feedback are also important. This will also create a huge database, which will be helpful for the production team, thus avoiding tech pack mistakes in garment manufacturing.

8. Training The Team

Tech Pack errors will be reduced if the team is trained on how to interpret and work with Tech Pack efficiently and smoothly. Implementation of a skill improvement program is necessary. Also, there should be no communication gap among teams; this will increase their skill levels, which will benefit the overall production, and there will be no need to hire skilled workers from other countries, hence providing employment for local communities.

fabric mistakes in garment manufacturing

Image credit: pinterest

How can Maker’s Row help you in reducing apparel production errors?

As a new brand who might have just entered the industry, it becomes difficult at times to understand the normal practices and make certain mistakes. At such times, you need someone to guide you. Maker’s Row is a helping hand that helps them to connect with efficient manufacturers and factories so that they can adapt these sustainable tips efficiently for their production process in the beginning itself, making the base of your brand strong with helpful and knowledgeable insights of industry, making the process easy, and your final product perfect.


In an industry where trends keep changing every now and then to adapt these methods, and by following the above apparel factory production tips, they can reduce product errors and enhance the quality of apparel while providing customer satisfaction and also reduce waste, which will help to contribute to a healthy environment. While implementing proper tech management, apparel brands will surely gain benefits and even maintain competitiveness; constant changes and improvements will only keep setting new standards for the apparel industry.

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