Top 10 Apparel Manufacturing Mistakes To Avoid

Apparel industry produces around 100 billion new garments every year. The production keeps on increasing. Its one of the most complicated businesses to run and be successful in for a long period of time. As your business grows or when you are in the initial stages of your business, you might make some apparel manufacturing mistakes, unfortunately or unintentionally. You might miss some gaps during the production process, which can lead to a heavy amount of loss and an advantage for competitors to overtake your brand in the market. But all of this can be prevented if you ensure following steps that will help you for a successful production run.

10 steps that can help to prevent mistakes in apparel manufacturing

1. Improper Planning

One of the most common mistakes in garment production is not having a clear and sorted plan about the production process and how it will be executed. Poor planning can lead to unavoidable problems that will affect the brand. Overproduction of clothes, stockouts, not being able to meet consumer demands because of underestimating the demand or shortage of fabric, and using the wrong technique are some of the problems that can be faced. Hence, to avoid such situations, it is important to be accurate about present and future planning.

2. Poor Market Research

Improper market research is another fact that causes apparel manufacturing mistakes. It is important for apparel manufacturers to do proper market research. Failing to understand, consumer preferences will only lead to adverse effects on produced items. That might go unsold because of changed choices, leading to overstocking and waste of time and money. There should be primary research that includes surveys or observational studies and secondary research that tells you about a broader perspective among consumers and the market. This surely helps manufacturers understand consumer demand, avoiding apparel manufacturing issues.


Apparel manufacturing mistakes

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3. Inefficient Supply Chain Management

Efficient supply chain management can be done to avoid apparel manufacturing issues. Disorganized supply chains can cause delays in the production process. There should be no communication gap between the supply chain; it can lead to transportation delays, material shortages, or rising shipping costs, which are some of the problems that can disrupt the supply chain. A proper planning and meeting should be done between manufacturers and other members of the supply chain.

4. Avoiding Quality Control

Neglecting quality control is a major setback for apparel manufacturers. Improving clothing manufacturing processes can be done by concentrating on quality control. There should be proper quality records maintained, without which it will be difficult to improvise and prove quality. Control measures, if ignored, can lead to garment defects. Which will not allow stable production. This will also lead to complaints from customers, and they will lose trust in your brand after receiving defective products. That will leave them in disappointment and also cause a negative impact on the brand’s reputation.

Apparel manufacturing mistakes

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5. Inaccurate Cost Estimation

Improving the clothing manufacturing process is not possible if the cost estimation is inaccurate. It is necessary for the production team to calculate the production costs, transportation costs, packaging costs, and organization profit. If avoided, it can lead to budget overruns or shortages of funds at any time. Inadequate funds stop you from new innovation or improvisation of techniques and fabric manufacturing, which slows down production.

6. Lack of Compliance With Regulations

Best practices for apparel manufacturing include following rules and regulations. It is necessary to follow certain rules and regulations for the smooth functioning of production. They should comply with fair labour and environmental regulations decided by the board. Failure to follow would lead to legal issues and damage the brand’s identity and credibility. It is not just about avoiding penalties but also taking new steps towards sustainability. That motivates other brands and creates a positive image.

Apparel manufacturing mistakes

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7. Underestimating Lead Times

Common mistakes in garment manufacturing also include underestimating lead times. One should not misjudge the production timeline. It disbalances the whole process and can lead to project failure. It can also create confusion. Leading to more delays, causing losses in sales, and also not being able to meet consumer expectations. Creating strain in relationships between consumers and manufacturers.

8. Ignoring Customer Feedback

Common mistakes in garment manufacturing include avoiding customer feedback. It is an important aspect in apparel manufacturing. Ignoring it creates major disadvantages for the brand. If the results of the final product do not meet market expectations, it would lead to wastage of manufactured clothes. Not taking feedback seriously, also affects your improvisation stage. Consumer needs and wants should not be avoided, as it is directly proportional to demand and supply.

Apparel manufacturing mistakes

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9. Not Providing Detailed Tech Pack

Tech packs include detailed descriptions of products and designs for garment manufacturing. It is like a blueprint to follow when creating products. It includes designs, sketches, measurements, guides to sewing methods, fabric details, etc. If a tech pack is avoided, numerous mistakes can occur during production. Many times the process can remain incomplete. So to have a smooth process, a detailed tech pack should be provided. That will surely help in improving clothing manufacturing processes.

10. Overinvestment In Technology

Another common mistake in garment production includes overinvestment. Apparel production uses machines that have long shelf life. And require minimum maintenance over time. Buying the correct machine is important. A wrong decision can affect your production process and quality. The industry is now getting revolutionized and is trying to adapt new automated machines, such as automatic sewing machines and 3D modeling. But it might not be suitable for all garments. As some of the production can be done through normal methods too, saving extra cost.

Apparel manufacturing mistakes

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How Does Maker’s Row Help In Creating A Successful Apparel Production Run?

A successful production run can be achieved if it gets the right guidance at the right time. Maker’s Row is one platform that helps you believe in your ideas and turn them into reality. They connect local brands and unite them with the best manufacturers and factories from their respective fields. And connect them according to your convenience and needs. While also guiding you with the best industry insights. And teach you best practices for apparel manufacturing.


Not every fashion business has a successful run. They can definitely try to achieve it by following best practices for apparel manufacturing. Doing proper planning, market research, managing supply chain, concentrating on quality control, estimating correct funds, and following rules and regulations while working on consumer feedback. This practice will significantly improve your production process, leading to a successful production run.

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