In honor of our event in New Jersey next week, we decided to take a look at why the Garden State is a great place to start a business!
Large Number of Factories
First of all, and most importantly, New Jersey has one of the largest numbers of factories in the entire country with nearly 10,000 ranging from large biotech to small mom and pop factories. On Maker’s Row, New Jersey ranks at number three in terms of the number of factories, only surpassed by New York and California. “Manufactured goods and products account for nearly 90% of all New Jersey exports,” according to Choose New Jersey.
Location, Location, Location
New Jersey has the unique distinction of being the most densely populated state in the country. That allows more consumers to be accessible in the area. Specifically, if you distributed your product in central New Jersey, you could reach 22 million consumers in just a two-hour radius. In one day, you can reach 40% of the U.S. population.
According to Choose New Jersey: “The State has unrivaled road and rail networks, including 2,800 miles of interstates and highways, and the highest railroad density in the U.S. Newark Liberty International Airport and nearby airports offer daily non-stop flights to 110 U.S. cities and 130 international destinations.”
Just Look at the Stats
Here are just some of the rankings that gives New Jersey companies an edge:
- #1 Seaport in North America
- #1 State in the Northeast for Workforce Development
- #2 State in America for Education
- #4 Most Innovative State in America
- #5 State in America for Workforce
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One thought on “3 Reasons to Make in New Jersey”
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Hi Karl!
Racysuits is excited to be moving our production to NJ – I’m curious where these stats came from as I would love to use some of them on our blog for why we chose NJ!