7 Simple Tips to Convert Traffic to Sales

Derek Robinson is the CEO and Founder of TopNotchDezigns, one of the top web design and development companies offering custom web design, mobile app development and marketing.

Websites have become an important part of business and you will be missing a great deal of benefits if you are operating one without a website. Let’s make this easier – a lot of people have access to the internet whether through mobile phones, computers, or related devices. This means that more people are finding businesses online. If people are searching for the smallest of businesses online regardless of whether they are just around the corner, it means you need to be where they are or you will be missing a lot.

Since most people already have websites for their businesses in different industries such as manufacturing, transport, home improvement, hospitality and more, we will focus more on how small business can maximize on the benefits these platforms offer. Marketing your online or offline business through a website is not as easy as it appears on the surface. That said, when all the right things are done, your website could be your biggest asset in increasing your sales and profits. Here are some important things that you need in your website marketing process to be more successful in increasing sales.

Have a Good Web Design

Web design contributes a great deal in convincing people to stay and explore the site. If you have an attractive yet simple website design, people will respect your business and will want to find out what you are selling and invite their friends.

Do Not Forget About Mobile Users

Every day there are more people accessing the internet using mobile phones. Statistics show that mobile phones account for a larger percentage of internet use. This means that your website should be mobile friendly or you will be locking out a lot of potential customers. When people try to access a mobile unfriendly site through phones, it takes too long to load and they just leave and go straight to your competitor’s website. Your website is your marketing strategy and you need to make sure that you are reaching a wider audience.


Don’t Try To Be Everything To Everyone

As much as you would like to please everyone at the same time, it is impossible. This is why you need to focus on your target audience. Unless you are selling all the products and services on this planet, there is just one target group that your business is addressing. Research what your target customers are looking for and how they want it. Make sure your website revolves around attracting more traffic.

Make Sure Your Website Is Responsive

Most business owners have a website that is not fulfilling its purpose because of unresponsiveness. Your website should be fast to load and easy to use. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication and all the different flashy things that make your website loading pathetic should be eliminated. When you are marketing your business, services or products, you want to make sure that your customers can find you and get more information without wasting a lot of time. Always keep in mind that people do not have time and they will move on to another website if they think yours is too slow or too complicated.

Have Your Website Optimized

Optimization is a continuous process that keeps your website relevant and on top of your competitors on search engine result pages. Internet users depend on search engines when they are looking for anything online. These search engines have algorithms they use in ranking sites. For this reason, there are different things that you must do to keep your website at the top position. If you are wondering how this is related to marketing and increasing your sales, consider the fact that searchers always pay attention to the top website. This is the website they think is most relevant. When you are at the top, you get more traffic and this increases your sales.

Write a Good Copy

A good website is not complete without a good copy. This is the information that you include on your website that explains about your products and services and convinces people to buy from you. Keep everything short and precise and have a call to action that is catchy and convincing enough to make the person want to buy from your online shop or visit your physical shop.


In business, sometimes you need to give in order to get more. When you have offers, promotions and discounts, you will attract traffic and possibly double your sales. Use your website to present your offers and discounts and soon you will be dealing with more traffic to your physical or online store.

If you want more sales, you have to work for it. The secret is in a professionally designed website.

Plan your product

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After you have put together your designs, check out Maker’s Row for nearly 10,000 factories with capabilities in sampling and production.

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