Made in USA Formal Wear: Everett

Everett is a men’s tie and accessory brand that is handcrafted in Brooklyn, NY. Inspired by the sights and sounds of NYC, Tinoy Kashif, Nate Coleman and James Brooks created a collection of contemporary men’s formal wear accessories that will add originality to any outfit.

And do you know what we find particularly cool about Everett? They manufacture their accessories less than one minute away from our office! We had the opportunity to take a tour of the factory and meet Gina, who owns and manages Genil Accessories. Gina helps designers from the very beginning stages of launching a product line all the way to production.  “I work very close with my clients and keep a very good relationship with them. I want to help grow their business and make a good product.”

We spoke to James about Everett’s inspiration and what manufacturing in Brooklyn is like:

Tell me about Everett and what inspired you to start the line.

We are firm believers in being able to express yourself through what you wear, and what you put on in the morning is how people will perceive you. Women have many ways in which they can accessorize but for guys its a little more limited. We wanted to make pieces that stood out and are signature pieces.

Who is your style inspiration?

We are inspired by people who express themselves through fashion, whether its our friends, style icons of decades past, or celebrities around today. People who can “wear themselves”.

Why did you decide to manufacture in America?

The production costs are actually pretty similar after you subtract shipping and logistics. We wanted uphold the fine American craftsmanship that is known around the world. When you think of American made goods, you think of quality, and we want that to be synonymous to Everett.

What has been the biggest reward in producing in America?

Being able to say we are made in NYC is something we are really proud of. It has been really rewarding to have our hands on the quality of our goods. The fact that we are quick train or car ride away from our factory is huge and really helps with the quality control.

What advice could you give to other brands that want to produce in America?

Do it. The rewards definitely outweigh any additional costs. Keeping production local where you have more control over it and are able to closely work with the manufacturer is much more beneficial than any minuscule production increases.

Check out Everett’s full collection!

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