Sustainably Sourced + Made in USA Travel Brand: NOMAD

NOM.A.D. is a sustainable, made in USA, travel lifestyle brand that launched a crowdfunding campaign yesterday. Ryan Clott, Founder of NOM.A.D., understands the busy lifestyle that we all live today and designed a collection of products that fundamentally improves the root of your travel experience. “We are on a mission to be the future of mobility– centered around innovation and sustainability.”

Products like The Essential Bag accommodate your modern lifestyle by bringing together a briefcase and a duffel bag allowing you to compartmentalize anything you may need during the course of the day, from work to play. “Since we create families of products available within a system, you can mix-and-match different components within the system to personalize your particular experiences.”

We chatted with Ryan to hear all the details about NOM.A.D. and how he successfully created a sustainable product line, while keeping production in the U.S.

Can you tell me about NOM.A.D. and how it all got started?

I was inspired to start the brand by the fact that for the first time in human history, the majority of the world’s population is now living in cities. Our lives are moving faster, becoming more demanding and we are regularly connected to all sorts of technology. I saw the need for a travel lifestyle brand that was suited for this modern lifestyle; so with that, NOM.A.D. was born.

Where do you make your bags and accessories?

Made in USA has been an integral part of the brand since Day 1. We source the most sustainable and local materials we can find, and produce them right here in New York City. We have been lucky to develop great relationships with incredibly knowledgeable and talented people in the industry. Together, we are doing our part to revive the NYC Garment District and American manufacturing as a whole. I take great pride in that statement.

If you were to give one piece of advice to other new designers producing in the US, what would it be?

The biggest piece of advice I could offer to new designers planning on producing in the USA is to focus on your relationships. Sourcing and manufacturing domestically gives you many advantages: quality control, lower minimums, better lead times, and priceless facetime to communicate and build a relationship with someone is working together with you. By placing care and attention towards cultivating great relationships, these critical people in your network are much more likely to be flexible in helping you get to each next level. It is said that obtaining success in this industry is all about who you know, but I find that I have already been greatly rewarded in my opportunities to meet so many incredible human beings throughout my journey.

Where do you look to for inspiration for you brand?  

Inspiration finds me through my travels– both locally and globally. NOM.A.D. products are designed to solve certain fundamental problems throughout your travel experiences; so when I am on-the-go I always take note of better ways to improve that process, and continue to develop those solutions. I am influenced by cultures all over the world, and am always thinking about how my designs can translate universally to promoting a better quality of life. Ultimately NOM.A.D. is focused on creating meaningful experiences.

What was the biggest challenge you have overcame since creating your brand?

The biggest challenge I had to overcome since creating my brand was to find sustainable domestic sourcing agents, and a credible sample-maker who could successfully execute the highly technical nature of my designs. The reason it had taken so long is because most of my search was being done prior to Maker’s Row’s existence. This is not a plug for Maker’s Row, but it honestly has helped speed up my development process tremendously. The first time I saw the site, I said “Where were you 2 years ago!?!”, as I knew that it was an amazing tool that would have made my initial search much easier. Many of my leads had been found through personal connections, and it took a great deal of trial and error to find the best resources. Despite the challenges I had to endure, it is a great reward to print that Made in USA label.

Describe your brand in 3 words.

Move with Meaning.

What’s your favorite spot in Brooklyn?

My favorite spot in Brooklyn… that is a tough one, as there are so many great spots to choose from.  I’d have to say my favorite place is Brooklyn Bridge Park. The inspiring view of the Manhattan skyline, both the Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan Bridge with the juxtaposition of the DUMBO lofts and their cobblestone streets– it’s a vivid illustration of the combination of ambition and community that is so quintessentially NYC.

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