The Map of Made in America

Made in America is thriving. With a heritage spanning over 200 years, the manufacturing industry continues to reinvent itself, with an upswing in local production leaving no doubt that American manufacturing is the way forward. Today, the Maker’s Row community stands at 10,000 factories strong (and counting!), with representation in all 50 states.

We’re celebrating the diversity of American manufacturing – from coast to coast, from remote hamlets to urban powerhouses, from apparel to technology and everything in between. Explore the map below to pinpoint the hometown manufacturing heroes that embody the new path of domestic production: home-grown in the heartland.

Ready to start discovering the factories behind Made in America? Click here to learn more.

If you’re passionate about all things Made in America and supporting locally produced brands, designers, and small businesses, check out our modern curation of the best of American Made Design:

Talk to us @makersrow and share your #IAmAmericanMade story.


This post was modified to update the number of factories on Maker’s Row on December 17, 2015.