3 Things You Need Before You Request a Quote

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A crucial step in getting ready to start production of your product is getting pricing. Saving time is important when it comes to vetting factories for estimates. Knowing how to request a quote and including enough information in a concise way will help you get the response you need. If done well, factories will see that you “mean business” and are knowledgeable in moving forward toward production.

1. Say What You Are Looking For

Add as much detail about what you’re looking for as possible to get the most accurate quotes.

excerpt: “Hi, I’m looking for a manufacturer to help with the production of my swimwear line.”

2. Give Numbers

Remember to add desired quantity and budget levels. The quantity produced will usually determined the cost per unit for producing the item.  It is also ok to give a reasonable range.

excerpt: “I would like to produce 150-200 pieces total. I have 4 different designs in total: 1 bikini top, 1 bikini bottom, 1 swim trunk, 1 one-piece suit. “

3. Give Details of Your Product

There are a few ways to do this.  If you have a tech pack ready, attach it to your message.  If you have variety of sketches, pictures, and patterns, consider organizing them in one document.  You can use Maker’s Row projects to organize all the details of your project.  Once you have included all the information you have, a unique link will automatically generate to share with possible manufacturers.  You can also attach your project to your quote request.

excerpt: “I have patterns and a tech pack available.  Please review the attached project for more details.”

Some Things to Remember!

  • Include standard greeting, closing, and signature.  Make sure to keep it professional and include a friendly salutation and a warm ending.
  • If you have a deadline to meet, let the manufacturer know in the initial quote request.  It may cost more to rush orders.
  • End with a question or call to act. This is important in continuing and directing future communication.  Consider ending with “Does this item fall within your capabilities? If so, what would be an estimate of your services?”

Got a product idea? See how much it costs!  Signup for a free Maker’s Row account and start a project and get a quote.


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