How To Kill It At Sourcing At MAGIC

Sourcing at MAGIC is looming again! We’ve taken you through survival tips for the trade show, but now we’ve got a whole other kettle of fish: How To Kill It At Sourcing at MAGIC. Here’s where you learn what to pack, how to dress practically, and how to absolutely slay at Vegas.

Dress For Success

Trade shows typically mean lots of time on your feet regardless of whether you’re a brand or a buyer, and given that you’re in the middle of the desert, the weather will likely deviate from what you’re used to this time of year. Airy, lightweight fabrics are your best friend, but don’t forget the A/C factor. Because Vegas is arid and the mercury keeps climbing, most shows will dial up the cooling mechanisms. So, a transitional fall jacket that isn’t too heavy is a great tool to have in your arsenal.

Ladies, this also means that heels are probably not your ideal option, and you should road-test sandals with arch support and padding. Shift-style cotton dresses with wide arm holes, however, probably are.

Pack Rats

Totes or backpacks are ideal for stashing any paperwork that comes up over the course of the show. Keep purses and wallets light, and have plenty of room – and, ideally, some spare manila folders and paper clips – for the days ahead. Oh, and essentials in that bag? A portable phone charger is a must.

Get Your Network On

You’ll also need to take a lot of business cards – you never know who you’ll speak to, and how you can help each other out. Plus, several brands will be hosting parties when the day is out, and you’d be remiss not to go – these events are when everyone has their hair down, food and conversation and flowing thick and fast, and, maybe counterintuitively, building mutually beneficial relationships comes more naturally when it’s not all business, all the time.

Make A Plan

Sure, sticking to it might be a little tricky, but you should definitely have a framework for what you want to see and do each day. Check out the Sourcing at MAGIC show planner to get you on the right track, but remember that flexibility is key.

Ready for Sourcing at MAGIC? Don’t forget, you can sign up for the Sourcing 101 e-course if you need a quick refresher. And, check out where we’ll be during the show – come by and say hi! We’re also hosting a cocktail party, so make sure you RSVP for drinks and canapes. 

Cover photo credit to SOURCING at MAGIC. 

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