The Best Bikes Come From Brooklyn

The bikes of BK are a phenomenon we can’t stop thinking about. Yes, convenience is a player: have you ever tried driving in New York?! But more than that, there’s a pulse behind the bike culture of Brooklyn, one that sees cyclists of all stripes – athletic, recreational or simply transit riders – forming a devoted community that views the world from atop two wheels.

At the heart of the Brooklyn bike community is Horse Brand, a workshop led by head honcho Thomas Callahan. Making each element of the bikes in the BK workspace, Horse Brand’s craftsmanship embraces each facet of a considered, hands-on lifestyle. Encompassing cycling, surfing, and camping, Horse Brand’s wares reflect the increasing trend of consumer mindfulness, with every pair of hands (or, to be more accurate, usually just the one) that touch the products during manufacturing traced back to the Williamsburg studio.

So, where do these Brooklyn riders go? Here are five faves.

  1. The Ocean Parkway bike path takes you from the top of Brooklyn to Coney Island, right into the faded kitsch of the boardwalk’s heyday.
  2. Or, take the relatively flat run from Williamsburg to Fort Tilden beach, stopping at Dough if you need sugary sustenance.
  3. Maybe Queens is your destination: forage for vintage treats at the Salvation Army warehouse, or stop into the Socrates Sculpture Park for a dose of outer-borough culture.
  4. Look, sometimes a day trip is too much for weary cyclist. Why not seek out an outstanding coffee instead? Devocion in Williamsburg is right by the water, and the fit-out is pretty enough to warrant a trip on its own – and even more so when you get into the brew.
  5. It’s amazing how many New Yorkers we meet that haven’t been to The Cloisters. Do it! Now!

Want to take your own Made in America bike for a spin? Sign up to get on the waitlist of our new store – we’ll have you covered.